一个朋友收到了一封E妹儿,今天让乡亲们看看,讨论一下。 /P:EWUf'
原文: oQ\&}@(V
Dear Friend, <( E
As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for wt?o
me, because, I believe everyone will die someday. This <^c3}
is natural in life. My name is Mrs Ann .ar-Rahmani. pawl|Z'Ez
Momoh, a Crude Oil exporter in saudi arabia. f@d9Hqr+l;
I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer which, yQ%"U^.m
which is at its terminal stage. It was discovered very g*J@[y;
late, due to my laxity in caring for my health.It has nxfoWy
defiled all forms of orthodox medical treatments, and ~x#vZ=]8
right now I have only a few months to live, according ~8{sA5y
to diagnosis as reported by medical experts. N}x9N.
I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I Gq1)1
had devoted most of my life to my business. Though I y3JMbl[S0
became very rich, I was never generous, I was always r[pF^y0
hostile to people and only focused on my business as Ac`;st%l.
that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret Da_()e[9p
all this as I now know that there is more to life than {$33B'wk
just wanting to have or make more and more money in A[)C:
life. ^_W40/c3
I believe that if God should give me a second chance >g}G}=R~3
to come to this world I would live my life a different to>
way from how I had lived it presently. Now that God 6pp $-uS
has called on me, I have willed and given most of my -ihiG_f
properties and assets to my immediate and extended ),`8eQC
family members and as well as a few close friends. .T8K-<R
I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul N=~~EtX
when I finally die. As a result of my conviction about
life after death, I have decided to give alms to J+ts
charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the #K|9^4jt
last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have Z9[+'ZWt
distributed money to some charity organizations in the 50$W0L$
U.A.E, Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my health has ||Y<f *
deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this all by myself vy9dAl
any more. I once asked members of my family to close ~=cmM
one of my accounts and distribute the money which I ]iVLHVqz
have there to charity organizations in Bulgaria and S&wzB)#'
Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to /iG7MC\`
themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as u-:Ic.ZV
they seem not to be contented with what I have given p!DP`Ouc3\
to them. g`[$XiR
The last of my money which no one knows of is the cG_Vc[
huge cash deposits of Five million dollarsthat I have o\!qcoE2W
with a Bank in America and some reasonable amount q.W>4 k
with a security deposit company. I will #]Y*0Wzpfn
want you to help me collect either of this deposits p$XKlg&
and distribute the money to charity organizations in T$P-<s
your area. a
I have set aside 10% for you for your time and {v,)G)obWw
efforts. G3a7`CD
God be with us all. Amen. UQPU"F7.
Mrs Ann .ar-Rahmani. Momoh wxdyF&U
E ]f)Os$
译文: x-;`-Uo%
亲爱的朋友 t)a;/scT
当你读到这的时候,我希望你不要为我感到难过,因为,我相信每个人都会死。这是自然的规律。我的名字是 Mrs Ann .ar-Rahmani. 一个在沙特阿拉伯的石油出口商。 v* ~3Z1
.m qxf
我患了食管道癌症。这是在晚期阶段。发现的很不及时。是因为近来对我的健康不是很重视。我正在按一切形式进行彻底的正统医疗。现在据医学专家的诊断,我只有几个月的时间了。 suVmg-d
我有自己的生活,虽然和别人没什么特别。但是我把大部分的生命用在了事业上,虽然我很富有,但是我并不慷慨,我总是敌对人,只有我的企业是我唯一的心血和我唯一关心的事。所以,我觉得很遗憾很后悔。所以当我知道有很多在生活中更想要金钱。 JN(-.8<
我相信,如果上帝再给我第二次活在世界上的机会的话,我会选择与我现在居住的生活截然不同的方式去生活。既然上帝拜访了我,我愿意把我的所有物产和财产给我的大家庭成员和几个亲密的朋友。 uMd. j$$
当我最后死去的时候,我希望上帝是仁慈的,看到我死亡前的信念后,可以接受我的灵魂。所以我决定把我的财产施舍给慈善组织。我希望这是我在地球上最后的一个好的行为。到目前为止,我在阿尔及利亚和马来西亚分布了一些金钱。到现在,我的健康已经恶化,我已经不可能自己去做这件事。一些在保加利亚和巴基斯坦的慈善组织关闭了我的帐户,他们拒绝了保留金钱,他们不满意我给他们的财产金额。因此我不再信任他们。 Ch5+N6c^
+>tUz D
没有人知道我在美国的一家银行确切的金钱数额,安全存款有五百万美圆的巨大保证金。我需要您帮助。在您区域的慈善组织分布我的金钱。 O|'1B>X
为了感谢您花费的时间和您的努力,我为您保留了10%的财产。 }r3~rG<D71