一个朋友收到了一封E妹儿,今天让乡亲们看看,讨论一下。 ?_i>Kx
原文: *=.~PR6W{
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Dear Friend, hlB\Xt
brs`R#e \
As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for (+[%^96
me, because, I believe everyone will die someday. This ninWnQq
is natural in life. My name is Mrs Ann .ar-Rahmani. xcU!bDV
Momoh, a Crude Oil exporter in saudi arabia. -1RMyVx
I have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer which, r9Ogez ER
which is at its terminal stage. It was discovered very W(R~K -
late, due to my laxity in caring for my health.It has J E7m5kTa
defiled all forms of orthodox medical treatments, and k$JOHru
right now I have only a few months to live, according f?51sr
to diagnosis as reported by medical experts. *LU/3H|}
I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I q]I aRho
had devoted most of my life to my business. Though I 9$HBKcO
became very rich, I was never generous, I was always Dzf\m>H[
hostile to people and only focused on my business as )c{>@WM~
that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret >%om[]0E
all this as I now know that there is more to life than 3ie
just wanting to have or make more and more money in b%%r`j,'JE
life. RYjK4xT?Y/
Cj<8r S4+
I believe that if God should give me a second chance }b&lHr'Uw
to come to this world I would live my life a different #$x
way from how I had lived it presently. Now that God ?VmgM"'md
has called on me, I have willed and given most of my S`U8\KTi
properties and assets to my immediate and extended oV
family members and as well as a few close friends. o3/o2[s
I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul #-<Go'yF
when I finally die. As a result of my conviction about W>C?a=r~
life after death, I have decided to give alms to 4&sf{tI
charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the YnRO>`
last good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have ?'z/S5&j
distributed money to some charity organizations in the "`V@?+3
U.A.E, Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my health has V<W;[#"
deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this all by myself 9`*Eeb>
any more. I once asked members of my family to close oDMPYkpTu
one of my accounts and distribute the money which I H8FvI"J
have there to charity organizations in Bulgaria and XhHgXVVGG<
Pakistan, they refused and kept the money to w9G|)UDib
themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as OyF=G^w
they seem not to be contented with what I have given ekL;SN
to them. R`Z"ey@C
The last of my money which no one knows of is the d#a/J.Z$A
huge cash deposits of Five million dollarsthat I have ds9'k.
with a Bank in America and some reasonable amount ~x\uZ^:
with a security deposit company. I will ypx~WXFK
want you to help me collect either of this deposits XPO-u]<